
Hankimuye Hapkido is divided in eight parts, these are: •Danjeonhoheup•Nakbeop•Balchagi•Gwonbeop •Gyeokgidobeop•Hosindobeop•Byeongsuldobeop•Gihapdobeop Danjeonhoheup Dan-jeon-ho-heup (단전호흡) is the Korean term for abdominal breathing techniques. Control over your breathing is essential in all martial arts. Controlling your breathing enables you to control yourself.



What is hankimuye? Hankimuye has its roots in the Korean martial arts of hapkido, hankido and hankumdo. The development of hankimuye is however also influenced by martial arts from other cultures. Chinese taichi being the foremost of these. We recognise
